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Vika Pinky

May 15, 2004
7 评论
Future Past

光线是日落粉红色。 我们在遥远的葡萄牙乡村某处荒凉的废墟中。摇摇欲坠的砖块和破碎门口的灰色灰尘构成了 Vika 的框架,这是一只捕获的小鹿,闪闪发亮,古铜色,像蜂蜜一样,她娇嫩的肉体充满活力,在逐渐变得默默无闻的背景下充满活力。 Vika 不仅仅是一部电影,它让我们得以一窥永恒。

The light is sunset pink.

We are at a desolate ruin somewhere far away in the Portuguese countryside. The crumbling bricks and grey dust of a broken doorway form the framework for Vika, a captured fawn shiny and bronzed like honey, her delicate flesh vibrant and alive against a backdrop slipping into obscurity.

More than just a film, Vika brings us a glimpse of the eternal.

  • 运行: 3:02 分钟
  • 格式:
    • SD 576p (29 MB)
    • SD 480p (14 MB)
    • SD 360p (7.7 MB)



did he say "a 5" ?!?!?
给 papafarang 的提示:你不能像切鸡一样切女人的身体,你这个白痴! Vika 的屁股是完美的 Vika-ass。没有其他人会正视她。她是一体的。每一种都相互融合并相互融合,产生了一个超凡脱俗的美丽人类。你的评论有点侮辱人。
note to papafarang: You can't slice and dice a woman's body like it was a chicken, you idiot! Vika's ass is a perfect Vika-ass. No other would possibly look right on her. She is of one piece. Each blends and meshes with the other to produce an unworldly beautifull human being. Your comments were more than a little insulting.
加入档案馆只是为了维卡。值得每一分钱。感谢 Petter,感谢 Vika。
Joined Archives just for Vika. Worth EVERY penny. Thanx Petter, THANX Vika.
Vika = Perfection
维卡是美丽的完美。这是我在世界各地旅行中见过的最火辣、最性感的女人。绝对惊艳。我加入档案馆只是为了看到更多 Vika。有人请告诉我她是单身...
Vika is the perfection of beauty. The hottest, sexiest woman I have ever seen in all my travels throughout the world. Absolutely stunning. I joined the archives just to see more of Vika. Someone please tell me she is single...
Bella Vika
Un viso bellissimo; un fascino ambiguo!
A Sweetie, But ...
...她最好的部分(脸、胸部和腿)——它们很好,好吧——似乎仅次于一个在 10 分制中评分略高于 5 的屁股。然而,总体而言,她的整个身体都很光滑,比例匀称且性感,但就在我进入她美妙的苗条但高度曲线美的身材时,剪辑用完了。她有一双漂亮的腿,但在剪辑中总是被剪掉,除了穿衣服的场景。建议——当脸是 9 时,它应该至少播放 18 秒不间断,当胸部是 10 时,它们应该不少于 20 秒,等等(如果 8 或以上是额定值的 2 倍)。这意味着连续几秒钟的特写镜头。让我们流口水,让我们羡慕你,Petter,我们想赶走地球的尽头。
... her best parts (face, breasts and legs) - and they were fine, all right - seemed to take second fiddle to an ass that rated little higher than a 5 on a 10pt scale. However, overall her full body was sleek, well proportioned and sensuous but the clip ran out just as I was getting into her wonderful thin, yet highly curvaceous, form. She had a fab pair of legs yet they were always cut off in the clip, except during the clothed scenes. Recommendation - when the face is a 9, it deserves a min play of 18 uninterrupted seconds, when the breasts are 10, they deserve no less than 20 sec, etc., etc (2x the rating if 8 or above). And this means consecutive seconds of close ups. Make our mouths water, make us so envious of you, Petter, we want to drive off the ends of the earth.
Yes..He did say "a 5" ??
我将不得不同意barsboon。 papafarang 是个白痴!他的评论非常侮辱人!如果你不能说好话……侮辱一个可爱的女士?干得好 papafarang!斯科特
I will have to concur with barsboon. papafarang is an idiot! His comments are very insulting! If you can't say something nice...insult a lovely lady? Nice job papafarang! Scott
Vika 绝对是 Peter 最漂亮的模特。甚至可能是我见过的最漂亮的女孩之一。我想,我会吃她的屁股。 Vikas 的屁股是 11 点的屁股,我想我可以成为食人者并吃掉它!恭喜维卡!
Vika's definitely the most beautiful model you have Peter. Perhaps even one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. I think, I would eat from her ass. Vikas ass is an 11 point ass and I think I could become a cannibal and eat from it! Congratulation Vika !